Friday, November 9, 2012

This is what 8 MONTHS of hard work looks like!

Just a little over eight months ago, at the end of February this year, I was fed up with how I had allowed my body to become. Sick of it. I felt like crap all the time. All I wanted to do was sleep. I missed training and fighting MMA. So I decided to do something about it. I decided to I wasn't going to let anyone or anything stop me from reaching my goals and being happy. I decided I was going to make sacrifices even if it was hard. It would be worth it.

It's been damn well worth it. That first picture is from the beginning of March. I weighed 181 pounds. I felt disgusting. The middle picture is 6 days after my last fight, at the end of October. I weighed 154.8. I felt pretty good, only gaining ten pounds back after cutting to 145 for my fight.  The last picture is today, November 9th. I have a fight tomorrow, but my opponent wasn't going to make weight, so I didn't end up having to cut at all. I weigh 149.2. I've lost nearly 32 pounds in 8 months, and I'm pretty proud of that.

Looking at that first picture, I can hardly believe that's me. I'll never be that girl again. Ever. 

I had back rolls! No more! Between the second and third photos, two weeks apart, I stuck to a pretty strict paleo diet (by strict I don't mean I starved, I mean I stuck to paleo principles. I was never starving :)) and cut out ALL sugar, including artificial sugar and fruits. I've been doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox for 11 days now. Between those two pictures I lost 5 and a half pounds. BOOM.

All this took was a goal, some hard ass work, motivation, inspiration. I've had plateaus and setbacks, gained a few pounds back then kicked them to the curb, and I'm not done yet. I'm only 5 pounds from my original "goal weight", but the number on the scale isn't my only concern. I want beast muscles and my abs to show. I have more of a "look" goal than a number goal.

Whatever you do, if your not happy, change something. If you have a goal, chase after it with everything you've got. When you make progress, be proud of yourself.


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