Thursday, November 8, 2012

20 Random Facts About Me

1. I love crafts. I have so many projects that I want to try stockpiled, they will probably last me the rest of my life.

2. I'm addicted to Pinterest. Admitting it is the first step. Except I don't want to quit. I love all the ideas and inspiration! Follow my boards!

3. I still can't sleep on Christmas Eve. I know, I am a child.

4. My wardrobe consists of more workout clothes than it does "go out in public looking decent" clothes. Cut-off t-shirts and sweats are my uniform.

5. I love to bake. Cupcakes are my favorite, but just about anything baked in my kitchen makes me happy.

6. I am super jealous of girls with abs. I'm working on mine, but they're still a little buried.

Goal Abs!

7. I was never super athletic or intimidating in high school. Now people fear my face-punching skills.

8. I work as a housekeeper as a hotel. I'm terrible at keeping my own house clean.

9. When I was little my mother made me get a bowl cut hair cut. I was often confused for a boy, and it was traumatizing.

10. One time I fell off my bike and smashed my face on the gravel road. My face was all bloody and an old lady walking by took me home. When my mom answered the door, the old lady said, "Your son fell off his bike." My bike was pink.

11. I am still as clumsy now as I was then.

12. I have nice new slippers, but I still wear my old ones because they are worn-in comfy, contoured to my foot, and I don't have to worry about them getting dirty.

13. I would rather spend money on food than clothes.

14. I am going to college for an associate's degree. I have a Perry the Platypus notebook.

15. I almost cried watching the most recent Batman movie. Alfred was so got to me. If you haven't seen it, do so as soon as it comes out on DVD! Seriously!

16. I am a pathetic typist. Please don't judge me based on my typos.

17. My hair is naturally curly and it drives me insane. It's almost as temperamental as I am.

18. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be a horse.

19. I have a cat named Zebra.

20. I desperately want a dog. A miniature pinscher. I had one, named Rufus, and my old apartment building made me get rid of him. A**holes.... you know more about me than you did before. Congratulations! Come back soon.

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